Thursday, July 30, 2009

Me Time!

I did it. After years - seriously, years - of allowing a desire to learn to knit fester inside me, I signed up for a knitting class at the Knit n Stitch = Bliss store in Bethesda. Knitting is supposed to be a stress reliever and the teachers at Arlo and Elsa's Waldorf school say that kids are magically calmed by their mamas knitting in the room with them. Who knows if any of that is true - I'll blog about that later - but in the meantime all I can think about is getting my hands on some big fat mustard-yellow yarn and crafting up a big warm scarf for myself and loved ones.

What kind of me-time do you have planned for August???

1 comment:

  1. now you've sparked the thought of starting a crochet project...especially if it'll create a calm in our home.
