Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning Helicopter Rescue

6: Minutes before Arlo's new remote control helicopter landed on our snow-packed roof while he tested it outside

46: Minutes it took my husband, stepdaughter, and me to retrieve the helicopter from said snowy roof, using a ladder and long pole typically used for vacuuming the pool

happy holidays everyone!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

40 By 40, Sort Of

This ain't no Bucket List. It's me, on my 35th birthday, thinking about what I want to do during the next five years. Here goes:

1. Gather a group of rad women into a poker club that meets monthly.

2. Learn how to play poker so I can win $$ at said poker games.

3. Finish writing the fiction and nonfiction books I've started, publish them, and throw big parties to celebrate their completion and publication.

4. Grow as a photographer using my dad's old, fully manual cameras.

5. Learn how to play at least three songs on the guitar.

6. Learn how to cook - vegan, comfort, ethnic.

7. Find one sport my husband and I enjoy doing together and do it.

8. Travel to at least three of the places of interest to me now: India, Nepal, Thailand, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Greece.

9. Teach my son and daughter how to snowboard and ski.

10. Obtain or at least begin a masters in womens studies. Just cause I'm interested.

11. Tour the northern California wineries with my husband, sans kids.

12. Learn conversational Spanish, Italian, and French.

13. Go on a silent meditation retreat.

14. Get over my fear of public singing by doing karaoke at least once (I've NEVER done it before, never).

15. Commit to a daily meditation practice.

16. Commit to a daily yoga practice.

17. Produce at least one collection of clothing for nursing mamas.

18. One more baby - a gang of three little ones running around the house would be perfectly, blissfully chaotic.

19. Learn to play tennis, cause I totally see myself doing it in my 80s.

20. Reform my night owl ways and sleep at least 7 hours a night, most nights of the week.

21. - 39. ???

40. Plan and execute an amazing 40th birthday bash!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12 Month Checkup - My New Mission

Today my husband and I took our 13 month old to her 1 year appointment with the pediatrician. We were prepared for her to be on the skinny end of the weight spectrum.

First of all, she's just a waif. Skinny arms and legs, no layers of luscious baby fat on her body that make you all googley-eyed. Second, like every person in our five-member family, Elsa has suffered the stomach bug that's been going around this house. In the past two weeks, someone is at all times throwing up and/or crapping their bum off. And poor Elsa has suffered the longest, with five straight days of symptoms. So she's got to be down ounces and maybe a pound or two because she simply hasn't eaten much lately.

But we still thought she would measure 50th percentile for height and 30th for weight.

It was the doctor's statement about "this not warranting an IV" that scared me wide awake, despite the past two nights' lack of sleep. "She is small but feisty" we were told "but during bouts of diarrhea she cannot afford to lose weight or there could be a big problem."

So, my new mission: Fattening up Elsa*

*or at least making her less skinny

I'm to replace water and juice with milk (16-20 ounces a day) laced with canola oil, feed her buttered pasta, avocado, high fat yogurt and fattening meat. I never thought that her current feasting of corn, green beans, bananas, apples, peas and carrots -- sounds healthy enough to me - would be insufficient. Sigh.

We're scheduled to see the doc again in two weeks. I will do my best and pray for some girth on her little thighs (imagine having such a problem!).

In the meantime, if you have tips for fattening up an active (walking, climbing) 13 month old, please send them my way.